The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Ux

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You are here… or they are here?

Technology gave us the Google Maps experience that says “You are here.” Modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world. That's dangeous.

Design by decision fatigue

An essay on how the decisions we make writing software shape our enjoyment of the craft.

Orchid ORC—1000

Orchid’s synthesiser engine allows musicians to create sounds from retro keyboards to expansive textures. A beautiful PDP.

Great software design looks underwhelming

Every software system has a lot of things that can go wrong. Sometimes these are called “failure modes” of the system.

The EAS framework for simplifying forms

Eliminate first, Automate where possible, and Simplify what remains — to minimize user effort and improve form completion rates.

Death, and how tech forgot about mortality

How tech companies that safeguard our data are more likely to "die" before we do.


In the future, software that can’t be used by an automated agent will feel less powerful and more burdensome to deal with.

“I scratched my own itch” isn’t good enough

This isn’t the humble-brag you think it is; the most common origin story is also common to startups that fail. But it’s a start.

Cursorful: screen recording app

A browser recorder that automatically adds zooms and pans.

AI and the power of small teams

Doing more with less isn’t just possible — it’s the future of work.

Scope in gen AI features

Focused AI features lead to better user understanding and adoption.

In praise of off-screen menus

Challenging the idea of displaying your entire navigation as a cluster of links.

How I review design work

Good design can be tricky. What’s obvious to one person might not make sense to someone else.

The existential challenge of design system team morale

Design systems are hard. But guess what? So is every other discipline of design and engineering.

404 Magazine

A zine exploring the intersection of UX writing and poetry.

Chat is a bad UI pattern for development tools

You don’t want to have a conversation with your computer, you want to build. Right?

Why strategy needs more than workshops

Evidence-informed choices beat beautiful canvases. Here’s how to move from theater to real decisions.

The real reasons bad design happens

No one intends to make bad things, yet we know how much of the world is not well designed.

Common dataviz accessibility issues

Through practical examples Sarah L. Fossheim explores where it typically goes wrong, why issues arise, and what we can learn from our past mistakes.

Product strategy should be messy

Coming up with a product strategy should be messy. It’s not some clean fill in the box activity.