The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Reflections

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You are here… or they are here?

Technology gave us the Google Maps experience that says “You are here.” Modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world. That's dangeous.

Nobody should be a “content creator”

Social media platforms don’t care about quality content – they care about interactions.

I quit my FAANG job because it’ll be automated by the end of 2025

Taking a medium-term look at the market dynamics, I’m now convinced that my former job will be obsolete by the end of the year.

Death, and how tech forgot about mortality

How tech companies that safeguard our data are more likely to "die" before we do.

The existential challenge of design system team morale

Design systems are hard. But guess what? So is every other discipline of design and engineering.

The real reasons bad design happens

No one intends to make bad things, yet we know how much of the world is not well designed.

The profitable startup

For years, startups have been taught to prioritize growth over everything else. But that thinking was always flawed.

Natural information architecture

On the neocortex, mental models, and tacit knowledge.

Arresting reality

An article about seeking the sublime in the everyday.

It’s time for design to think less and feel more

By embracing sensitivity over logic, designers can learn from old masters and create new solutions that reconnect to us being humans.

Developer philosophy

Avoid, at all costs, arriving at a scenario where the ground-up rewrite starts to look attractive.

The design game has changed and I don’t know where I fit anymore

After two decades in the industry, this designer is now questioning their place.

The end of programming as we know it

There’s a lot of chatter in the media that software developers will soon lose their jobs to AI. Tim O’Reilly doesn't buy it.

The future belongs to idea folks who can just do things

It's hard to see a path forward where the majority of software engineers are doing artisanal hand-crafted commits by the end of 2026.

Social media is a trap

It's not about your friends, your followers, or who you follow.

Stanislav Petrov

We don’t live in a purely deterministic world of technology anymore.

Personal software

In the future, everyone can cook.

I knew one day I’d have to watch powerful men burn the world down

I just didn’t expect them to be such losers.

Missed connections

Are we losing the one thing that makes the internet worth using it?

AI slop, suspicion, and writing back

On developing an involuntary reflex for spotting AI slop.